Brooks Design-Contemporary Graphics Logo LR2 Brooks Design-Contemporary Graphics Logo LR3

Copyright©2000-25 Reginald Brooks, BROOKS DESIGN. All Rights Reserved.

Please visit my Portfolio site for updated imagery and New Media projects while this Contemporary Graphics section is reworked.
Site Map Details
Info digital 2D digital 3D art theory 101
Contact index: digital 2D index: digital 3D index: art theory 101 index:
Copyright --- Bio & Statement --- ---
Use "RealSurReal...aClone, 2001" --- --- Page 1: "The FARNIE art classification scheme."
License --- "Early Works"
Page 5: 1998-99
--- ---
Purchase "Hey! U funk'n with my DNA?" --- --- Page 2a: "PIN: Pattern in Number...from primes to DNA."
FAQ --- "The E-P Series"
Page 4: Year 2000
--- ---
Limited Edition Prints "9-11_remembered" --- --- Page 2b: "Butterfly Primes...let the beauty seep in"
Iris Giclée --- "GoDNA: The Geometry of DNA series"
Page 3: Year 2001
--- ---
Gift Cards "Naughty Physics" (a.k.a. The LUFE Matrix) --- --- Page 2c: "Butterfly Prime Directive...metamorphosis"
Orders --- --- --- ---
Sales Agreement "Your sFace or Mine?" "I_remember_9-11 Series:" --- Page 2d: "Butterfly Prime Determinant Number Array (DNA)...conspicuous abstinence"
Print Warranty --- --- Sculpture (select) ---
--- "Butterfly Primes...Prejudicial Numbers" -"9-11, montages"
Page 2 Year 2002
Page 1.
New Works
Page 3: "GoDNA: the Geometry of DNA (axial view) revealed."
--- --- --- --- ---
--- "Geometry of Music
& Color"
-"9-11, individual works"
Page 1 Year 2002
--- Page 4: "SCoDNA: the Structure and Chemistry of DNA (axial view)."
--- --- --- Page 2.
--- "Brooks (Base) Square
& The Inverse Square Law (ISL)"
"Infinite Dimensions...without borders"
New Works Page 0: Year 2005
--- Page 5a: "Dark-Dark-Light: Dark Matter=Dark Energy."
--- games-dynamic jigsaw puzzles --- Page 3.
1991 and earlier
--- --- -"~breathe~ A Celebration of Women"
New Works Page 1: Year 2008
--- Page 5b: "The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics"
--- "Brooks (Base) Square interactive" --- --- ---
--- --- -"Sunspots & Solar Flares"
New Works Page 2: Year 2011
--- Page 5c: "The History of the Universe-update-The Big Void"
--- Geometry of Music And Color, II --- --- ---
--- --- -"Solar Flares"
New Works Page 3: Year 2011-12
--- Page 6: The LUFE Matrix
--- Sunspots and Solar Flares --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 7: The LUFE Matrix Supplement
--- AFPOP: A Fresh Piece of Pi(e) --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 8: The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions
--- LightspeedST --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 9: The LUFE Matrix: E=mc2
--- ~Your sFace or Mine? Anonymity~ --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 10: Quantum Gravity the book
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 11: Conservation of SpaceTime
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 12: LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose`
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 13-14: GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 15: Brooks (Base) Square
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 16: Brooks (Base) Square interactive matrix
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 17: The Architecture Of SpaceTime (TAOST) as defined by the Brooks (Base) Square matrix and the Inverse Square Law (ISL)
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 18: Numbers of Inevitability
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 19: AFPOP: A Fresh Piece Of Pi(e)
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page3 20-27: LightspeedST: 0. The Ultimate Question
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 20: LightspeedST: 1. 20 (+2) questions
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 21: LightspeedST: 2. 20 answers
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--- --- --- --- Page 22: LightspeedST: 3. The Mechanics of LightSpeed
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--- --- --- --- Page 23: LightspeedST: 4. The Movie Script
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 24: LightspeedST: 5. The Movie, ɣ=ST
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 25: LightspeedST: 6. Links & References
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--- --- --- --- Page 26: LightspeedST: 7. Quark Portraits and Spinor Rotation
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 27: LightspeedST: 8. The Triad of Velocity, Space & Time
--- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- Page 29: MathspeedST: Leapfrogging LightspeedST FASTER Than The Speed of Light
Updated 01-16-16 Updated Link 1-08-25

Contemporary Graphics Entry: | Graphics Site Map | Contact, Copyright, Use, License & Purchase | | | Website Graphics | digital 2D works | digital 3D works | Art Theory 101... FARNIE | PIN | GoDNA | SCoDNA | Dark-Dark-Light (Dark Matter = Dark Energy) | The LUFE Matrix | The LUFE Matrix Supplement | The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions | The LUFE Matrix E=mc2 | The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics | Quantum Gravity | The Conservation of SpaceTime | L.U.F.E. The Layman's Unified Field Expose` | The Geometry of Music, Art & Structure | Brooks (Base) Square and The Inverse Square Law (ISL) | Orders | Sales Agreement

PORTFOLIO of Reginald Brooks

Plant Supports Entry: | About | Home | Orders | Product Image Navigation | Site Map

updated 1-03-25